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Managing Noise in Construction Site

Event code: 45010


Requirements of noise control and management in construction sites are stipulated by NEA and MOM through legislations. To ensure that construction works do not affect neighbouring residents and businesses, noise levels are to be continuously monitored in construction sites and kept within the permissible levels. Developers also require contractors to prepare and submit to them a Noise Management Plan which usually includes the baseline noise record, indicate the Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs) (such as hospitals, schools, etc.) and propose mitigation measures and public relation strategies to handle noise matters. Throughout the construction duration, contractors are required to implement all practicable measures while continuously monitoring the noise levels closely.


This course will enable construction personnel who are managing the site to be aware of the relevant regulations, understand noise and its measurements, and noise control techniques so that they would be able to prepare and implement a good noise management plan and thus manage the expectations of the neighbourhood.


1. Challenges in Managing Noise Control in Construction Sites
2. Relevant Legal Requirements on Noise Control in Construction
3. Basic Concepts and Principles About Sound and Noise
4. Measurement of Noise - Units and Equipment
5. Arrangement of Noise Meters in Construction Sites
6. Good Practices in Noise Measurements
7. Principle of Noise Propagation
8. Methods of Noise Control to Mitigate the Impact of Noise on the Environment
9. Requirements and Elements of a Good Noise Management Plan
10. Prepare a Noise Management Plan for a Typical Construction Site


MR LIM TI TZONG has more than 20 years of combined experience in acoustic engineering, workplace safety and health, and teaching. He is a MOM-Registered WSH Officer, Appointed Workplace Safety and Health Inspector (Noise), Registered Audiometric Technician as well as NEA – Registered Environmental Health Control Officer. Mr Lim’s qualifications include B.ENG (Hons) in Mechatronics from University of Wolverhampton, UK.


• Project Managers
• Construction Managers
• Site Engineers
• Site Supervisors
• WSH Officers and Supervisors
• Other relevant construction personnel


Frequency: Bi-annual
Date: 29 October 2024
Time: 9.00am to 6.00pm
Venue: BCA Braddell Campus


Fee (inclusive of 9% GST): S$455.00


Upon attaining 75% attendance, participants will be issued a e-Certificate of Attendance.


For latest update on course date and/or registration, please visit BCA Academy Online StoreFront (OSF) - CLICK HERE 


Subject to award from WSH-CPD and PEB.
To check for CPD point eligibility, please CLICK HERE


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