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Fees & Financial Matters


BCA Academy has implemented a cashless payment system.  To make payments, please note that only the following online payment modes are available.

  • Company's Giro Account
  • eNETS - Credit/Debit Card (via BCAA's Online Storefront)
  • eNETS Debit - Internet Banking (via BCAA's Online Storefront)


1) For Employers

Companies sponsoring their employees for courses at BCA Academy may apply for training subsidies that are available for selected courses. For more information on funding support for employers, please click HERE.

2) For Individuals

There are also funding available for self-sponsored individuals for selected courses. For more information about funding support for self-sponsored individuals, please click HERE.


For selected courses in BCA Academy, there are available funding options.

1) Workfare Skills Support (WSS) Scheme

The WSS scheme encourages low wage workers to undertake training that leads to more impactful employment outcomes. For more information on WSS Scheme, please click HERE

2) Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES)

The SkillsFuture MCES is for Singaporeans aged 40 years old and above. For more information on MCES, please click HERE.

3) Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS)

The ETSS scheme offers additional support for SMEs, including:

  1. Higher Course Fee Grant: SMEs enjoy SkillsFuture Funding of up to 90% of the course fees when they sponsor their employees to attend courses supported by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG);
  2. Enhanced Absentee Payroll (AP) Funding: SMEs may claim AP funding of 80% of basic hourly salary at a higher cap of $7.50 per hour, an increase over the normal cap of $4.50 per hour. 

For more information on ETSS, please click HERE.

4) SkillsFuture Credit

For more information on SkillsFuture Credit, please click HERE.

- Citizens 30 years and below
- Use your own and up to 3 siblings* account
- Can be used to pay for all BCAA full-time diplomas, and others
- Apply directly at BCAA

Click HERE to find out more.

6) Union Trade Assistance Programme (UTAP)
- For UNION members only
- Claim up to 50% of nett course fee paid
- Submit UTAP claim through NTUC U-Portal

Click HERE to find out more.

Funding and subsidies offered by third party organisations for BCA Academy courses and programs under the SSG and other relevant schemes or programs, are subject to approval. BCA Academy is not to be held liable if funding and subsidies are either granted at a reduced amount or not granted at all.

Further, BCA Academy reserves the right to amend the details of any course or program, revise the course or program fees without prior notice, cancel or postpone the course or program and change the venue of the course or program.

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