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By submitting and signing the application form, the company and individual applicant agree to the following:
1) The company and individual applicant have read and understood the terms and conditions.
2) The company and individual applicant warrant that the particulars given are accurate.
3) The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) can disclose to other government agencies and training partners any information relating to this application.
4) Payment for the course must be made to BCA before the course commencement date.
5) Any Direct Debit and Direct Credit Authorisation for GIRO applications previously signed and passed to BCA will apply to payments made under this course.
6) BCA reserves the right to accept or reject the application for whatever reason.
7) BCA shall at its discretion allocate a space to the registered applicant, based on availability.
8) BCA reserves the right to amend any details relating to the course, revise the course fees without prior notice, cancel or postpone the course.
9) No deferment is allowed.
10) Request for withdrawal, replacement or postponement must be made in writing. Requests are subject to approval by BCA Academy.
Written request for withdrawal that reaches BCA Academy:
- At least 2 weeks before the course commencement date:  up to 25% of course fee is payable.
- Less than 2 weeks but more than 3 working days before the course commencement date: up to 50% of course fee is payable.
- 3 working days or less before the course commencement date: full course fee is payable.
Written request for withdrawal that reaches BCA Academy:
- At least 2 weeks before the course commencement date: 50% administration fee is payable.
- Less than 2 weeks but more than 3 working days before the course commencement date: 75% administration fee is payable.
- 3 working days or less before the course commencement date: There will be no refund of course fee.
Written request for replacement that reaches BCA Academy:
- At least 3 working days before the course commencement date. There will be no additional charges for suitable replacement.
- 3 working days or less before the course commencement date: There will be no refund of course fee.
Written request for postponement that reaches BCA Academy:
- At least 2 weeks before the course commencement date: 25% administration fee is payable.
- Less than 2 weeks but more than 3 working days before the course commencement date: 50% administration fee is payable.
- 3 working days or less before the course commencement date: There will be no postponement granted.
Note: There will be no refund of course fees even if the applicant is not able to attend the course.
11) No Replacement is allowed for funded participants.
12) The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points indicated for any course offered by BCA is subject to change and final approval by the relevant professional accreditation bodies.
13) Funding and subsidies offered by BCA/BCA Academy or third-party organisations for the courses are subject to approval. The company must make the application for funding and subsidies. Neither BCA nor BCA Academy is to be held liable and the company agrees to pay BCA the applicable funding amount if funding and subsidies are either granted at a reduced amount, not granted at all or if funding is revoked, for whatever reason.
14) All information, materials, services, intellectual property and other property and rights provided by BCA and BCA Academy during the course are provided on an “as is” basis. BCA makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, as to any matter, and all such warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly disclaimed.
15) The materials supplied to the company and individual applicant for the course (“Materials”) are for their personal reference only and the company and individual applicant is not supposed to otherwise use the Materials. The company and individual applicant shall defend and indemnify BCA and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all liability, damage, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) imposed upon BCA in connection with any claim arising out of the company and individual applicant’s use of the Materials.
16) Re-assessment fee is applicable for those who are required to re-take the assessment.
17) I consent to BCA, BCA Academy, and BCA’s employees contacting me via my contacts (including email addresses and mobile numbers) to market future courses, seminars, conduct surveys, circulate publications (i.e. magazines, periodicals, etc.). I further consent to the sharing and disclosure of my personal information with BCA’s authorised training partners, for the purposes of the conducting and provision of courses under this application. If you wish to withdraw your consent to any use or disclosure of your personal data as set out above, you may contact us.

PLEASE NOTE: All correspondence and notices addressed to BCA are to be sent to BCA Academy. Photographs of attendees will be taken at the event for our publicity materials, newsletters, and other publications.

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