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Good Industry Practices - Aluminium Window

Event code: 81020


Windows are major components of buildings allowing for transmission of light, providing view for the occupants and giving a pleasing facade. However, poorly designed and installed windows pose a problem of water seepage. As aluminium frame windows are commonly used in the local industry, the “Good Industry Practices – Aluminium Window” was developed to share with the industry good work practices adopted by practitioners and contractors who have consistently delivered high quality work.

This Good Industry Practices highlights the benefits and practical tips on how quality fabrication and site installation can be achieved.


This course aims to provide participants with
• Good understanding on the design issues relating to aluminium window
• Practical tips and suggestions on having good aluminium window design and installation including fabrication, preparatory works, installation of aluminium window and protection and cleaning of completed work; and
• Good understanding of common defects and how to prevent them.


• Types of window systems and design considerations
• Components of window system and material selection
• Fabrication and assembly of window systems
• Delivery, handling & storage
• Preparatory works before window installation
• Installation procedures and tolerance
• Protection and cleaning of glass surface
• Common defects & remedies


MR HO THIAM CHAN, Kao Lee Aluminium Industrial Pte Ltd
MR Ho Thiam Chan is in-charge of the Project and Design Departments of Kao Lee Aluminium Industrial Pte Ltd, and has more than 25 years of experience in the aluminium industry including curtain wall, trellis, skylight, windows and doors.


Frequency: Bi-annual
Date: 30 July 2024
Duration: 1 day
Time: 9.00am to 5.30pm
Venue: BCA Braddell Campus
In keeping with our green and sustainable practices, course notes will be available in e-format.


Fee (inclusive of 9% GST): S$455.00


e-Certificate of Attendance (e-COA) will be awarded to participants who meet the attendance requirement.


For latest update on course date and/or registration, please visit BCA Academy Online StoreFront (OSF) - CLICK HERE 


Subject to award from BOA-SIA.
To check for CPD point eligibility, please CLICK HERE

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