Waterproofing of internal wet areas is one of the more problematic areas in building work, with most incidents of water leakage occurred at the floors and internal walls of toilets and kitchens. To enhance watertightness performance of the internal wet areas, it is important to look at how the structure and the waterproofing membrane are detailed.
This course complements the “Good Industry Practices - Waterproofing for Internal Wet Areas” and highlight the good practices in the design, material selection and installation of waterproofing membrane.
This course aims to provide participants with
- A good understand on the design issues relating to waterproofing for internal wet areas;
- Practical tips and suggestions on achieving good waterproofing works at internal wet areas, including preparatory works, actual installation of waterproofing membrane and protection of completed works;
- A good understanding of common defects and how to prevent and rectify them.